A long, long time ago in a far away land known as life, I pinned this tutorial on how to make a pouf or floor cushion. With Cam's upcoming birthday I felt like I should make him something. Yeah, I know the bicycle and binoculars were cool and all, but I wanted something more personal. He always seems to love watching movies (or rather one, The Incredibles) so I figured a floor cushion/pillow would be perfect! (Next project is a bean bag!)
Materials needed:
* 1 yard home décor fabric
* 2 packages 1/2" premade piping
* contrasting thread
* 16-24 oz. fiberfill
* a napping toddler and approximately 1-2 hours
Step one:
Lay out your fabric and fold so that the shorter ends are together.

Step two:
Draw (w/pencil) a 17" diameter circle on the wrong side (or back side) of the fabric. Cut out; you should have two since the fabric is doubled over.
*Note: using a compass makes this step extremely easy

Step three:
Cut out two handles 3x12"
Cut one strip of fabric* (for the sides) 9x51.5"
*Note: this may need to be two strips sewn together (see next step)

Step four:
Sew the two 9" strips of fabric together if they aren't long enough.
I highly recommend sewing together at a point so that the fabric matches as best as possible. You'll thank me later.

Step five:
Pin piping to the right side (front) of each of the 17" circles making sure the raw edges of each are aligned.
Using a contrasting thread (to the fabric color), sew along the existing stitching on the piping.
Sew piping on both sides (lengthwise) onto one of the handle pieces in the same manner.

Be sure to overlap the ends like so:
There's no such thing as too many pins:

Step six:
Finish the handle by placing the piece with no piping onto the piece with piping, with the right sides facing together/inward.
Sew around all edges along the existing stitching, except one of the shorter edges.
Flip inside out, fold edges inward, and sew open edge together (don't worry you can hide this stitching later).
Step seven:
Carefully lay the 9" side piece on top of one of the 17" circle pieces, right sides together facing inward. Don't pull too hard and leave about 1" on each short end free.
Pin the raw edges together around the circle and 1" free edges together.
Sew a 1/2" seam along the short edge to sew the sides together. Then, sew along the existing stitching to sew the side piece to one of the circles pieces

Step eight:
Flip cushion inside out and position the handle where you want it on the right side of the side fabric. Sew into place leaving some slack.
*If you sew over the existing stitching to close the end of the handle, this will then become part of the "decoration" of the fabric.
* Sewing an X and double stitching the edges helps to reinforce/strengthen.

Step nine:
Flip inside out again and pin the second circle onto the raw edges of the sides. Leave an opening wide enough to turn inside out and fill with fiberfill.

Step ten:
Flip inside out and fill with fiberfill.

Step eleven:
Hand stitch closed and enjoy!

Here is another reason why it helps to sew the edges so that they match as best as possible (hiding the seam better):

This is so simple and takes 2 hours or less .. even with a beginner seamstress like myself (and no compass to make circles .. you don't want to know). Now go make your kid a movie pillow, or your neighbor's kid, or my kid. ;-)
**Edit/Note: If you have a toddler, surely you have a sit-and-spin. If not, find one and the bigger, bottom circle is about 18" so I used that for a second floor cushion and it worked great, but I'd use an additional inch or two for the side fabric, just in case the circle is a bit more than 17" around.**

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