I made a Labor Day breakfast this morning. Okay it was just pancakes, but they were from scratch. Instead of the usual 'you eat first and then we'll switch and you watch the baby' routine, Brad decided it was high time to start eating as a family.
So Camden was strapped into his high chair with two of his favorite toys: the o-ball and Sophie. He threw the ball on the floor one time, which was so cute, and he giggled at Sophie a lot.
I think food-inhalation and eating alone is a thing of the past for us. Thank goodness!! I like having our little man join us. Plus, he gets more exposure to watching us eat. That will come in handy when we start rice cereal because research says that he'll be ready when he starts to watch us eat and is interested in the things we put in our mouths. :)
Side note: Our pediatrician (whom we love, don't get me wrong) has already suggested we start rice cereal before he is 4 months old. Of all the suggestions and research from legitimate websites, organizations, etc I feel way more comfortable waiting until after 4 months at least. That will be an entirely different post down the road...
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