This past weekend was Thanksgiving and we all went down to southern Indiana to visit Brad's family and celebrate. We drove down Wednesday around noon, did some shopping, and then had an amazing dinner (and breakfast, I might add) at Brad's moms house.
Camden woke up bright eyed and bushy-tailed (little spit fire we've got on our hands). He slept really well in the pack-and-play considering he's maybe slept in it 3 times overnight. We did find out that he doesn't like the pitch black. He screamed until we put a night light in the room, then he went to sleep A-OK. He has one in his room, but I never thought it was that big of a deal. Apparently we need to invest in a small, cheap one to travel with.
Grandma ABSOLUTELY LOVED having Camden around. Brad was always following him, making sure he wasn't getting into stuff he wasn't supposed to. Me, on the other hand, I was relaxing. I feel like Brad and I have reversed roles since having Camden. I'm the more laid-back one and he's more of the I-have-to-watch-him-at-all-times one. 0:) Love you, babe!
After breakfast, Camden and Brad looked at some of the Black Friday ads and Cam was picking out and pointing to toys in the ToysRUs ad. It was stinkin' adorable.
Later Thanksgiving afternoon, we headed over to Brad's aunts house. Luckily there were a few little ones he could play with, but by the time we got here he was tired, had a 15-minute nap, and a banana in place of lunch (so he could eat some Thanksgiving food). Poor kiddo was not happy until he got to inhale, which he did, some turkey and potatoes.
Then it was picture time and I sorta went a little crazy. :) Someone mentioned a group picture and that their family hadn't had a group picture since before I was around. So while everyone was congregating, I decided to set up a chair stacked with our pack-and-play and some sheets (for stability) on the front lawn and somehow convinced everyone to stand on the porch for a group photo. (See above.)
Then I took some of Brad's family. His sister, as we now call her Aunt Rachael, and Camden were playing on the porch and I snapped a few of the one above. It's by far my favorite picture of him and her together. They're so stinkin' adorable!
I was so happy to also see Rachael's twin, Ryan, at the dinner. I haven't seen him in a long while and it meant so much to everyone to be able to see him there. He also was pretty smitten with Camden; it'd been a while since he's seen him.
Of course we also got a few family photos (although we are in studio next week so keep an eye out for those photos).
Happy Thanksgiving and Holidays to everyone!